You Have To Be Uncomfortable Before You Can Be Comfortable
Tallahassee Adults and Parents, It is not uncommon that people of all ages do not want to get in front of others. At one time, it was said that more people were afraid of public speaking than anything else. What many do not realize is the very thing that could help them feel more confident […]
How to Boost Your Child’s Confidence Through Competition
Tallahassee Parents, Competition has changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Many sports present all players a trophy for participation regardless of their performance. Although we all like acknowledgment, these actions can take away the many benefits of organized competition. A confident person often stems from someone who has learned from their mistakes, […]
How to Deal with Tantrums and Meltdowns
Tallahassee Parents, First, this article is about your child’s tantrums and meltdowns, not yours. Kids have them and all parents deal with them at some point. What do you do? How is the best way to handle these situations? First, understand that meltdowns/tantrums are caused by something and it is not always directly related to […]
5 Tips to Manage Your Child’s Routine During the Holiday Season
The winter season brings with it much more than holiday cheer and fun. Weeks and sometimes months of holiday shopping, traveling, food, and visiting family can create enough stress to exhaust the most festive of us. Children feel it too, especially when their routines are interrupted with an overload of events that are often out […]
4 Bad Habits Every Parent Needs to Break
Tallahassee Parents, The old saying “monkey see, monkey do” can be relative to how parents react to situations. Our reactions can easily be influencing our children without us even realizing it. Parents often feel their kids build new behaviors or habits from their siblings or other kids at school, however, we can be just as […]
6 Tips to Raise an Optimist
Tallahassee Families, Wondering how to raise an optimistic child? After all, kids who are more confident and optimistic are better at dealing with life’s challenges—and happier too. Here’s six tips to help your child. QUIT COMPLAINING Don’t complain or be negative around your children. If you are complaining about money or making negative comments about […]
4 Secrets to Help Your Kids Become Better Listeners at Home
Tallahassee Parents, It is not uncommon when you get a group of parents together several will say, ” My kids don’t listen to me.” As parents, we all go through this, however here are a few tips to help make things a little better. Your Child may have a good reason (in their mind) to […]
How to Encourage Your Child to Work Through Frustrations
Tallahassee Families, Children get frustrated when they cannot do something or feel like they are not being heard. It’s important for parents to be patient and forgiving towards their children and also themselves. It’s normal for children to exhibit behavioral outbursts when frustration hits, how we as parents handle it can make all the difference. […]
5 Foods to Help Fight Kids’ Colds & Flu
Tallahassee Parents, Among all the current challenges parents and kids are dealing with, cold and flu season is approaching and there are some steps you can take to fight these viruses. YOGURT It’s smart to give your kids some kind of probiotic on a regular basis. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help strengthen the […]
Kids’ Breakfast Challenges and How to Solve Them
Tallahassee Parents, Do you have a challenge getting your child to eat breakfast? The old saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” is not necessarily true, however you do not want your child starting their day with an empty stomach. Will They Drink Breakfast? Your child might not be hungry enough to […]